October 13, 2020


G2 Net-Zero LNG Chairman Chas Roemer today announced the appointment of Angele Davis as G2’s
new CEO. Tom Hudson, G2’s former CEO, will stay on as a senior advisor to Roemer and Davis.
“Tom was pivotal in getting G2 to the position where we are poised to be the world’s first net-zero
emissions LNG industrial complex,” said Roemer. “No one else could have gotten us so far, so fast,
partnering us with a lineup of industry game-changers. He and I have been talking about this transition
for a year and we believe this is the right time. We feel fortunate to have someone with Angele’s skills
and experience to take the project from here.”

Davis, who joined G2 as Chief Financial Officer in December 2019, has 29 years in large organization
management and is a former Louisiana Commissioner of Administration under Governor Bobby Jindal
and former Deputy Commissioner under Governor Mike Foster.

Hudson said, “I’ve had the pleasure of working side by side with Angele for the past year. She has
tremendous business and political knowledge and has been an exceptional asset. As we move into
construction and development, she will be critical to our success.”

“I’m honored by Chas and Tom’s faith in me,” said Davis. “At G2, we’re revolutionizing the
industry. Our points of distinction – an ability to produce net-zero LNG from reservoir to dock, a firstclass leadership team, possession of the best remaining site in the Gulf of Mexico, and our commitment
to both community and social equity – mean we will demonstrate to the world that LNG can be both
clean and profitable.”

“I am delighted to hear that Angele has been named CEO of G2-Net Zero,” said Donald T. ‘Boysie’
Bollinger, former Chairman and CEO of Bollinger Shipyards and current Chairman of Bollinger
Enterprises. “Turning an innovative idea into a profitable, innovative business reality requires a keen
insight, a strong leadership, and a firm discipline. Angele has displayed every one of those qualities in
everything she’s ever undertaken. As a big fan of Angele’s, and an investor in G2, I am thrilled with this
announcement. I think it represents a significant next step for G2.”

The G2 Net-Zero energy complex – a venture of Chas Roemer Innovations – will be the first to deliver a
profitable portfolio of uniquely differentiated energy products while capturing the majority of
greenhouse gas emissions. Using innovative technologies provided by Siemens, NET Power and 8 Rivers,
G2 will overcome one of the biggest challenges to the future of fossil fuels.

Roemer continued, “G2 is on an accelerated development schedule. While other companies are slowly
announcing their plans for the next three decades, G2 Net-Zero LNG will be capturing the majority of
our emissions while producing net-zero LNG by 2027. Angele is the one to lead us there.”
Stephen Waguespack, the president and CEO of the Louisiana Association of Business and Industry, said,
“I commend G2 for choosing Angele Davis for this position. She is a smart, savvy, detail-oriented leader
who knows how to drive performance and achieve excellence. Time and time again throughout her
career, she has stepped up to take on big roles and deliver successful outcomes.”

Hudson led G2 from its inception in 2015 through its transition from a more traditional LNG model into a
cutting-edge pioneer in emissions-capture and production of clean LNG. He put together the team that
includes Siemens, NET Power and 8 Rivers, acquired the Calcasieu Parish site, and brought in expert
advisers like Dr. Ernest J. Moniz, former U.S. Secretary of Energy, to ensure G2’s vision.

“I’m extraordinarily proud of what we’ve accomplished,” said Hudson. “I enjoy working with Chas,
Angele and the leadership group we’ve put in place.”
# # #
About Chas Roemer Innovations:
Chas Roemer Innovations is a management and business development firm running diverse
businesses. Recognizing that venture and risk are the chief portals to imagination, innovation, positive
change, good health, greater knowledge and even greater prosperity, CRI is devoted to discovering,
growing, promoting and managing the ideas that can transform the way we think, act and
live. www.chasroemerinnovations.com

Angele Davis Biography
Angele Davis is the Chief Executive Officer of G2 Net-Zero LNG, a Louisiana-based LNG
that is building the world’s first net-zero natural gas liquefaction export complex. The
complex will be the first to deliver a portfolio of uniquely differentiated energy products
while achieving net-zero greenhouse gas emissions from the producing reservoir through
to the ship at the loading dock.

She previously served as Louisiana’s Commissioner of Administration, the chief financial
officer and chief administrative officer for the state under Governor Bobby Jindal. As
Commissioner, she served as Chair of the Revenue Estimating Conference and Interim
Emergency Board. She served on the Bond Commission, Cash Management Review
Commission, and the Louisiana Commission on Streamlining Government. She served as
Deputy Commissioner of Administration for Governor M.J. “Mike” Foster, Jr.
Angele has over twenty-nine years of industry experience in organization management and
global management consulting. She also has extensive experience in the private sector as a
highly-coveted advisor for start-ups, local businesses, and Fortune 500 companies— having
consulted with numerous clients throughout her career in industries including public finance,
government, environmental technology, coastal protection and restoration financing,
construction, health information technology, retail, and transportation.

She served as Vice President of Strategic Programs for a worldwide infrastructure and
technical services company, where she was responsible for identifying and evaluating
acquisitions, business partnerships and alliances, business development tactics and
capitalization, and overseeing strategic planning.

She is an expert in public-private partnerships and well respected for both her administration
and finance skills. She most recently was elected to Chair the LWCC Board, an A-rated private
mutual workers’ compensation insurer.

She was recognized by the Reason Foundation as a 2009 Innovator in Action for “playing a
central implementation role in Governor Bobby Jindal’s wide-ranging efforts to streamline
the state bureaucracy.” She is a recipient of the Baton Rouge Business Report’s 2006
Influential Women in Business Award and also received the publication’s “Top 40 Under 40”
Award. She was named “Louisiana Outstanding Young Woman,” “Baton Rouge Outstanding
Young Woman,” and graduated from the Greater Baton Rouge Leadership and Louisiana
Leadership programs.

She has authored several publications and is the primary researcher and co-author of The New
Louisiana Purchase: Building Trust with Sound Coastal Investment Policies(Public Affairs
Research Council, 2016) and co-author of Emerging Issues in Government Financing (Aspatore
Books, June 2009), having written the chapter, “Meeting State Fiscal Challenges with Reform.”
During Hurricanes Katrina, Rita, Gustav, Ike, and the BP Oil Spill, Angele served on the Unified
Command Group, the strategic decision- making body for emergency and disaster response in
Louisiana, with the Governor serving as the unified commander. Immediately after Gustav and
Ike, Angele was tasked with briefing President George W. Bush on the economic impact of the
hurricanes. In her capacity as Board Chair of the Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Baton
Rouge, she helped lead the agency’s response and recovery efforts for the Great Flood of
2016. Post-disaster, she was invited to participate in the United Nations panel on advancing
public-private partnerships.

Angele is Chair of the Board of Directors of LWCC, Trustee of Spring Hill College Board, and
also serves on the college’s National Alumni Association Board. She is a parishioner and
volunteers at St. Joseph Cathedral in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, and was recently honored with
the Bishop’s Award for her service to the parish, including homebound Eucharistic minister
and her work with Sanctuary for Life, a home for pregnant, unwed women.

She was awarded a basketball scholarship to attend Spring Hill College and graduated with a
BA in Communications and earned her MBA from Louisiana State University.

Nash Sanderson